New Club/Organization Declaration of Intent
Student organizations at MMI should offer members opportunities to enhance, explore, apply, practice, and integrate knowledge and skills gained through pursuit of academic study. The Office of the Commandant of Cadets administers MMI鈥檚 policies requiring registration for all cadet organizations. Cadet organization registrations remain valid through the academic year and must be renewed annually to remain an active, officially-recognized MMI organization. All registration forms and information are managed by the Office of the Commandant of Cadets.
The process for registering a new organization is:
- Complete a Declaration of Intent (below). This will be submitted to Commandant’s staff for preliminary review. You will receive a response about whether or not you may proceed with the Application for Registration within around 1-2 business days.
- If given approval to apply, follow the link in the email you receive to apply for official registration. This application will again be reviewed by Commandant’s staff, and a response will be given within 5 business days. Note: some applications may be rejected due to errors in the application. In such case, you will receive a follow-up email with specific details about items to revise in your application for registration, and you will be invited to re-apply with these revisions.
- If your application is approved by the Commandant’s staff, it will be sent to the Commandant of Cadets for final review.
- If approved, you will receive a final email prompting you to schedule an appointment with the Office of Institutional Advancement to discuss fundraising for your organization and to schedule an appointment with a the Assistant Commandant for Operations and Administration to advertise organization membership requirements and deadlines to the Corps of Cadets.
- Once active, your organization will need to apply for renewal at the beginning of each academic year. A member of the Commandant’s staff will send out notifications annually to ensure that these renewals are completed by a designated deadline.
Before registering a new organization, please review the MMI Student Organization Packet. This includes organization guidelines and the constitution/by-laws format so that you can prepare to complete the Application for Registration.
Student Organization Declaration of Intent
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