
Commencement Info

MMI Commencement Information

Commencement is a ceremony held each academic semester that honors students who will soon graduate, which means the students have or will soon complete all degree program requirements. Participating in Commencement does not mean that a student has graduated. To graduate, a student must meet all requirements of his or her degree program and fill out an official graduation application to submit to the Registrar鈥檚 Office. 聽Associate Degree requirements may be found in our Catalog – MMI (marionmilitary.edu)

When students apply to graduate, The Academic Affairs/ Registrar’s Office will check to certify that all program requirements have been satisfied. The degree earned will be displayed on the student transcript once final grades are posted. Official diplomas will be mailed within 4-5 business weeks once the degree has concurred.

Students may track their academic progress using DegreeWorks by visiting their OneACCS Student Portal.

The MMI Business Office will apply a diploma fee of $45.00 to the student’s account once the Graduation Application has been submitted and reviewed by a college official.

Students may be allowed to participate in Commencement if they meet the following requirements:

  • they have completed and submitted the Intent to Graduate form before the deadline;
  • they are enrolled in the final course(s) for completing degree requirements;
  • they have a plan on file in their Academic Advisor or Academic Affairs Office to complete degree requirements the following term/session, and they have no outstanding financial obligations to the institution.