In case of an emergency, to report a crime, an unsafe act, or any issue related to the safetyÌý²¹²Ô»å security of any person at any time:
During normal business hours: Monday-Friday (7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
Contact the Office of the Commandant (334) 683-2322
After business hours: Monday-Friday (4:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) and on Weekends
Contact the Chief, Campus SafetyÌý²¹²Ô»å Security (334) 683-2330 or (334) 292-9690 (Cellular numbers)
Additional numbers include dialing 9-1-1, or (334) 683-9071 for the Perry County E-911, or (334) 683-9072 for the Marion Police Department, or (334) 683-6534 for the Perry County Sheriff’s Department (emergencies only).
Victims or witnesses of any type of crime should report the activity to authorities by using the numbers above. These incidents should be documented by filling out an .
To report concerning patterns of behavior or personal needs/distress, please complete an Intervention Request Form.
The ÍâÍøÌìÌàCampus SafetyÌý²¹²Ô»å Security staff maintains a daily log that records, by the date the incident was reported and documented to us, all crimes and other serious incidents that occur on campus.
The Daily Crime Log includes:
Please note that the Daily Crime Log does not list specific facts or the names of individuals due to the confidentiality and privacy of these matters and the person(s) involved. Also of note: per our campus policy, a cadet can be referred for disciplinary action merely for being present and not taking action in a situation where an incident occurs, even if that cadet does not actually commit an offense.
2021 Calendar Year
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2025 Calendar Year